The below are the general terms for all CREST voucher codes. Please be aware that there may be more terms attached to the code you use; if you are unsure, you should check with the person who shared the code with you.
This discount code can be used to get the specified percentage off all specified CREST levels for schools meeting the specified criteria
This offer is only available online at
To claim your discount type the offer code into the ‘Apply a voucher code’ box when paying for certificates at
Payment using the discount code must be completed by the specified date. You cannot use the discount code after this date.
The discount code cannot be used in conjunction with any other voucher or promotional code
Any refunds will take into account the discount
The discount code has no cash redemption value
The British Science Association reserves the right to change these terms and conditions on reasonable notice
Please note that our standard terms and conditions of sale apply in respect of any orders placed using discount voucher and the website terms of use for using our site also apply
By confirming your order using the discount voucher you are accepting these terms and conditions
If you have any questions please email