Welcome to DeepMind CREST Machines of the future resource centre!
This webpage is designed to support recipients of the CREST Machines of the future kit boxes, funded by DeepMind.
Classroom PowerPoint presentation
Download Machines of the future Classroom PowerPoint presentation
Digital copies of the printed resources in the kit box
Overview of CREST Discovery Days and running Machines of the future
We produced a short video to accompany the kit box and help you understand how to run Machines of the future Discovery Day, using the kit boxes funded by DeepMind.
If you are experiencing problem watching it here, please visit our YouTube channel to watch it.
DeepMind digital resources
DeepMind are in the process of producing additional digital resources that will feature their employees explaining what AI is, its applications and careers guidance. As soon as they are available, we will provide links to these resources in this section.
Evaluation surveys
Please remember to factor in time to complete the student and teacher surveys which are a requirement of receiving the kit box. We estimate the pre and post surveys will take a maximum of 15 minutes to complete.
Please note that students will be asked to create a code when they complete the pre-activity survey, made from their initials and date they were born (e.g. John Smith born on 12 February, the code will be JS12), and reuse this code when they complete the post-activity survey. (You may find it useful to make a note of the codes.)
Access the student and teacher surveys.
In addition, there will be a survey for teachers to complete capturing anonymised EDI data and views about the activity and kit box resources.
DeepMind volunteers
We are working with DeepMind to confirm a process for confirming if their employees are available to attend in-school activities. We will email you with confirmation of this process as soon as we are able. Please note, the earliest time they will be able to visit schools is mid-March 2023.
DeepMind volunteers will receive training before they attend any in-school activities. However, they will not be trained to lead the activities. They will be able to circulate offering guidance to teams and potentially talk about their current role and career story.
Volunteer safeguarding
Please note it is not mandatory for DeepMind volunteers to have a DBS check before visiting schools because they are not expecting their volunteers to be left unsupervised with students.
Additional certificates
If you run this activity with more students or repeat it with a different cohort of students, you will need to sign into the CREST platform to order and pay for more Discovery Day certificates for your students.
Press release template
We have prepared a press release template which you can edit and share with local media to celebrate your involvement in the project, should you wish to do so.
Contact Us
If you have further questions, please email crest@britishscienceassociation.org