Peer support from educators with experience delivering CREST

Choose one of our Engage Buddies below and send an email with your question.
Not sure who to reach out to? We can put you in touch with a Buddy who can help:

You can also always email the CREST team with any questions at

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Do you want to talk directly to another teacher about their CREST experiences?
Available to all members of the Engage Teacher Network, Engage Buddies are here to answer your questions. You can chat via email, or request a call to discuss your CREST plans. Don't worry if you're not eligible to join the Engage Teacher Network, we can still answer your questions at

We have 11 Engage Buddies from a variety of different settings who are keen to help you bring the joy of the CREST Awards to your classroom! Just choose one below and click the button to ask them a question.

What happens after you send an email?
You should include a message explaining what you would like help with, we will then forward this on to the Buddy you have chosen. If that Buddy is unavailable we will pass it on to another suitable Buddy.

Please be aware that as our Buddies are full-time teachers, they may not be able to reply immediately and you will likely hear back from them outside of school hours.

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Secondary teacher

Experienced with: Discovery and Bronze Awards

“I have been a Principal Teacher of Chemistry & Physics for 5 years. I have delivered CREST over 10 years from whole school day events through to lunchtime clubs and have managed to embed it into our S1 and S2 curriculum."

Ask me about:

  • Resourcing equipment for CREST activities.
  • Applying for grants.
  • Running CREST Awards in a drop-down day.
  • Involving parents and carers with the CREST Awards.

Primary teacher

Experienced with: Star and SuperStar Awards

“I have been teaching for 10 years and for most of that I have been a Science lead. I have previously delivered Star and SuperStar Awards within my school setting, across the whole school. I have been an Engage Buddy for 3 years."

Ask me about:

  • Teaching CREST as part of the curriculum.
  • Running CREST Awards during British Science Week.
  • Involving parents and carers with CREST Awards.
  • Adapting CREST for young people with SEND.

Primary Teacher

Experienced with: SuperStar Awards

“I have delivered many SuperStar sessions in the classroom to children ranging between 7-11 which has supported nearly 120 children to achieve their CREST Awards and have successfully applied for 2 Engage (CREST) grants."

Ask me about:

  • Choosing the most appropriate CREST Award levels.
  • Planning when to run CREST Awards.
  • Resourcing equipment for CREST activities.
  • Applying for grants.

Secondary teacher

Experienced with: SuperStar, Discovery and Bronze Awards

“I teach Secondary science and have always been involved in STEM. I have primarily completed the Bronze Crest in STEM club or lessons, but also have experience with SuperStar and Discovery in School Holiday Clubs."

Ask me about:

  • Planning when to run CREST Awards.
  • Running CREST Awards in a STEM club.
  • Training other teachers in your school to deliver CREST Awards.
  • Running CREST Awards during British Science Week.


Primary teacher

Experienced with: Star and SuperStar Awards

“I have delivered Star and SuperStar Awards alongside the curriculum, in multiple schools. This is my third year as an Engage Buddy, so I have experience at helping teachers on their CREST journey."

Ask me about:

  • Using funding from an Engage Grant.
  • Running CREST Awards with multiple schools.
  • Submitting for CREST Awards on the CREST platform.
  • Using a voucher code to submit CREST Awards.

Secondary teacher

Experienced with: Bronze and Silver Awards

“I have experience running both Bronze and Silver awards with both whole year groups and small afterschool groups. I have supported other teachers through completing the projects."

Ask me about:

  • Running CREST Awards with multiple schools.
  • Mentoring students undertaking CREST Silver or Gold projects.
  • Submitting for CREST Awards on the CREST platform.
  • Using a voucher code to submit CREST Awards.

Secondary teacher

Experienced with: Discovery and Bronze Awards

“During after-school clubs, I lead the 'Witches and Wizardry' and 'Zombie Apocalypse,' activities for KS3 students. Additionally, I collaborate with our local SEND school delivering a plant and salad discovery project."

Ask me about:

  • Choosing CREST activities to run.
  • Resourcing equipment for CREST activities.
  • Running CREST Awards in a STEM club.
  • Working with technicians to prepare for CREST.

Special school teacher

Experienced with: Star, SuperStar, Discovery and Bronze Awards

“I have experience planning and delivering Star, Superstar, Discovery and Bronze Awards to SEND pupils by differentiating to meets the needs of learners. I support teachers to use CREST awards to deliver the curriculum."

Ask me about:

  • Choosing CREST activities to run.
  • Choosing the most appropriate CREST Award levels.
  • Training other teachers in their school to deliver CREST Awards.
  • Adapting CREST for young people with SEND.


Secondary teacher

Experienced with: Star, SuperStar, Discovery, Bronze and Silver Awards

“I have delivered Bronze and Silver awards in secondary school, I have also ran special events for clubs such as beavers/ rainbows to achieve their badges as well as an Award."

Ask me about:

  • Choosing the most appropriate CREST Award levels.
  • Adapting CREST for young people with SEND.
  • Understanding the CREST assessment criteria.
  • Mentoring students undertaking CREST Silver or Gold projects.

Secondary teacher

Experienced with: SuperStar, Discovery, and Bronze Awards

“I have delivered and supported teachers in implementing Discovery and Bronze Awards. I have experience in promoting gender balance within technology subjects and fostering partnerships with local technology organisations."

Ask me about:

  • Choosing CREST activities to run.
  • Using funding from an Engage Grant.
  • Teaching CREST Awards as part of the curriculum.
  • Understanding the CREST assessment criteria.

Primary teacher

Experienced with: Star and SuperStar Awards

“I have delivered Star and SuperStar Awards in my school. I have experience supporting staff to become more confident in delivering CREST activities in class and as after school activities."

Ask me about:

  • Planning when to run CREST Awards.
  • Teaching CREST Awards as part of the curriculum.
  • Running CREST Awards in a STEM club.
  • Training other teachers in your school to deliver CREST Awards.


Drop in support surgeries

For members of the Engage Teacher Network to drop in and ask questions on the title topic or just listen in. A panel of our Buddies, educators just like you from a variety of settings with a wealth of experience running CREST, will be there to help you.

4 pm 17 March
Planning for CREST
Do you have questions about the CREST Awards? Or just want to find out more? Learn about where to start, what CREST is, the free resources available and get your questions answered.


4 pm 02 April
Equipment and materials for CREST and using an Engage Grant
Drop in with any questions about the materials or equipment you might need to run CREST, how you can source this equipment and using an Engage Grant.


4 pm 08 May
Delivering CREST Awards
Learn from the Engage Buddies about the different ways you can deliver the CREST Awards and how to best engage and support your learners.


4 pm 03 June
Submitting CREST Awards
Not sure how to submit for CREST, or what submitting for CREST Awards means? Learn more about how and why you should submit and ask your questions about the process, using a voucher, or the CREST certificates.
