What is CREST?
CREST is a scheme that inspires young people to think and behave like scientists and engineers.
CREST is a scheme that inspires young people to think and behave like scientists and engineers.
CREST Discovery Days report summary
We ran a funded programme of CREST Discovery Awards with schools across the UK, and teacher training run by our regional partners to support and up-skill teachers to run Discovery Days themselves.
Here is what we found in the programme.
CREST in curriculum report summary
‘CREST: Building project work into the curriculum’ project, supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, was to encourage more schools to use open-ended student projects within the formal curriculum, with information specifically tailored to CREST, and for this to have a positive effect on students.
The CREST Awards provide teachers and home educators with simple and adaptable activities aligned to the national curriculum.
CREST gives young people aged 3–19 the chance to choose their own subject and methodology when completing their hands-on investigation.
CREST is a nationally recognised scheme for student-led project work in the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths).
A consistent and high standard of assessment and moderation is achieved for the scheme via our network of industry experts from the STEM and education sectors. It has been running since 1986 and sees tens of thousands of young people taking part each year.
CREST provides activities and project ideas for a range of ages, group size and abilities. From off-the-shelf, one-hour long challenges through to large-scale, student-led projects of over 70 hours work or more, CREST can be done by anyone.
We have created a special resource library for home-based learning. These activities are perfect for doing at home with limited resources.
To access these resources, check out our resource library.
It’s easy: choose an award level and start running CREST today!
There are many ways to run CREST with your students and we have developed the levels to fit the various needs of educators and young people. We provide comprehensive guides for you and your students available for download on our resource library, as well activities, project ideas and inspiration to get you started.
Star and SuperStar levels are designed to be easy-to-run and low-cost for children typically aged 3-7 and 7-11 years. Children gain an Award by completing eight challenges, which are available to download from our resource library. We also provide helpful tips sheets for you to use, explaining the scientific themes and offering guidance on conversation topics for your children.
You can download CREST Star and SuperStar passport templates for your students to track their progress once you create your account.
Within four weeks of payment, you will receive certificates and fabric badges to give out to your class.
The Discovery level is sometimes known as “CREST in a day”. Students typically aged 10-14 work in small teams to complete the project over five hours and present their work at the end of the day. All students have a role in the project, putting communication, teamwork and project management skills into action!
We have created a range of teacher packs which include timetables for the sessions, teaching resources and student workbooks to help you run these fun, one-day challenges.
The Bronze level is a perfect introduction to STEM project work for young people aged 11+. Over the course of 10 hours, teams of students design their own investigation and record their findings, giving them a taste of what it is like to be a scientist or engineer in the real-world. The Bronze level works well in a STEM club setting or as something that is completed across a term, although there is no deadline for completion. The projects are assessed by the teacher or leader against the CREST assessment criteria.
Upon completion, we ask that you upload a sample of your students’ work on our online platform, for moderation purposes.
You will be sent your students’ personalised CREST certificates within four weeks of the project’s submission.
The Silver and Gold levels are designed to stretch your students. They are long-term, in-depth projects that are run by the students themselves. Students choose the topic and type of project they want to run. Silver projects are typically completed by students aged 14+ years and Gold by students aged 16+.
At this level, students are encouraged to collaborate with a CREST mentor – an academic or person from industry with expertise in their project’s theme. CREST Silver and Gold Awards are highly sought after, and are a good way to enhance a student’s UCAS personal statement or CV.
All Silver and Gold level projects are assessed externally via our online platform. The CREST assessors are trained experts across all areas of STEM and assess the projects online against the CREST assessment criteria.
Once the project has been submitted, paid for and passed by our assessors, we will send out the personalised CREST certificates. In total, assessment and processing can take up to six weeks.
Learn about the British Science Association, our vision of a world where science is at the heart of culture and society and the work we do.
The CREST Awards Help Centre has detailed information on every aspect of creating and managing CREST Awards.