Engage Funding — CREST Awards

From 1 January 2025, the fees for Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards have increased. Click here to see more.


Applications for the spring round of Engage funding are now closed.

The autumn round of Engage funding will open for application in  September 2025.

With the support of UK Research and Innovation, we provide Engage funding to help UK schools in challenging circumstances run CREST Awards with students who are underrepresented in STEM.

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Steps to apply

Step 6: Applications CLOSED until September 2025

Engage funding

CREST Awards aim to inspire children and young people to think and behave like scientists and engineers. It is the British Science Association’s (BSA) flagship education programme for student-led project work in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). Once students complete CREST projects, they are recognised with a CREST Award certificate from the BSA.
For suitable project ideas and inspiration to include in your plans, check out the free resource library.

Schools that have high numbers of pupils and students who are often underrepresented in STEM are encouraged to apply. There are opportunities to apply for Engage funding in the autumn and spring terms.

Engage: Grant

The Engage Grant is £350 grant money for your school to run CREST Awards, which you can spend on materials, equipment, a field trip, teacher CPD and more! Plus, awardees will also receive up to £350 CREST Awards for free.

Engage: Simply CREST

We want more young people – particularly those most likely to be underrepresented in STEM - to have their project work celebrated through getting a CREST Award. We don’t want even the relatively low cost of CREST submission fees to be a barrier, so this year we are offering Engage Simply CREST - a simple way to access free CREST Awards. There is no cash grant; successful applicants that do CREST projects in their school will be able to get up to £350 CREST Awards for free! That’s enough to recognise and reward a whole year group in many secondary schools, or even a whole primary school!

If you’re successful you will receive a voucher code to cover the CREST Award fees (up to £350) due when you submit your students’ CREST Awards.

Learn more by watching the webinar recording 'Introducing: Engage Simply CREST funding'.


Are you eligible?

Engage funding is only available for ‘school’ settings. This includes schools; colleges; Ofsted-registered Early Years settings; nurseries; and preschools.  

In addition, your school must meet all the following criteria to be eligible:  

  1. The school is in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. 

  2. The school is a state-funded school. Independent Special Schools that receive local authority funding for pupil places are also eligible. 

  3. The school is not academically selective. 

  4. The young people taking part in the activity/event are aged between 3 and 19. 

  5. The school meets at least one of the following additional eligibility criteria: 

    • A minimum of 30% of pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium, Free School Meals, or equivalent 

    • A minimum of 30% of pupils are from ethnic minority backgrounds* 

    • The school is based in a remote and rural location** 

* Ethnic minority backgrounds include all pupils who don’t self-describe as White British. It includes Irish, except in Northern Ireland.  

** Remote and rural schools are in postcodes listed as ‘rural’ under the Government’s Rural Urban classification system. You can look up your school’s classification at https://www.ukpostcodecheck.com/ 

If you are supporting young people who are underrepresented in STEM to do CREST Awards in a non-school context, we might still be able to help with the costs associated with CREST Awards submission fees. Get in touch at crest@britishscienceassociation.org for assistance. 


Engage Grant
Engage Simply CREST?

You can apply for both the Engage Grant and Engage Simply CREST support, but a school will not be awarded both.
So, what kind of support is right for you?

  • Perhaps you already have an established approach to doing CREST Awards in your school…
  • You may already have sufficient kit and materials to run the CREST activities…
  • You are doing the CREST Awards with a small group…
  • You’ve received an Engage Grant in the past from the BSA…
…but still need financial support to cover the cost of the CREST Award fees?

Apply for Engage Simply CREST

  • You are not able to run the CREST Awards with your class without grant money for equipment, teacher cover, or CPD.
  • You need funds to invest in the extra support required to ensure young people with additional needs or otherwise underrepresented in STEM can take part in the CREST Awards
  • A large group of students at your school will do the CREST Awards and the increased cost of materials cannot be covered by the school budget.
  • You would like to hire a delivery partner to help you deliver the CREST Awards activity(ies) and need funding to do so.

Apply for an Engage Grant

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 Our priorities

Our eligibility criteria and priorities are the same for all Engage funding. We will prioritise schools whose planned engagement clearly demonstrates a commitment the following: 

  • Involving and supporting children and young people eligible for pupil premium, from ethnic minority backgrounds, with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) or from any other groups of young people more likely to be underrepresented in STEM.

  • Supporting girls to develop their STEM skills, understanding and passions. 

  • Engaging children and young people with lower prior attainment or in mixed attainment science groupings, and those who wouldn’t normally choose to participate in STEM activities. 

  • Activities that are cross-curricular and/or involve collaboration between science and other subject areas, particularly if it is outside STEM (e.g. history, art, music). 

  • Engagement that involves whole classes or whole year groups. 

  • Engagement outside of traditional science contexts like STEM clubs and lessons. 

In your application, be sure to demonstrate how your planned CREST activities meet some or all these priorities. It is preferable to demonstrate in detail your ability to meet one or two of the criteria rather than all of them in less detail.   

Review the FAQ section below for full details on planning your CREST Award activities and requesting Engage funding.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at crest@britishscienceassociation.org 


Ready to apply?

All Engage funding applications must be submitted via the online portal. We do not accept applications sent as email attachments. We recommend that you draft your application(s) offline and submit only once you have all the required information to hand.

Engage funding is currently closed for applications.

Return here in September 2025 to access the online application form and offline template where you can draft your application.

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Planning to run CREST

Engage Grant or Engage Simply CREST? 

Applying for Engage funding

The Engage Grant 

Engage Simply CREST

Contact us

Please get in touch with any questions at: crest@britishscienceassociation.org

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